In a competitive market, it’s important to stand out from the crowd. Popular marketing channels such as search engines, email, print advertising, online advertising, and networking groups are all packed with competition, and many small businesses are looking for new and unique ways to present themselves. Businesses are often so focused on new business that they forget to nurture current and past customers, and print newsletters are one way to strengthen those relationships and improve loyalty. However, misconceptions prevent many small business leaders from seriously entertaining the idea. In this post, we’ll address these misconceptions and discuss how sending a print newsletter can help you achieve marketing goals.
Misconception #1: printing and postage is too expensive.
Fear of sticker shock prevents many business leaders from considering a print newsletter, but calculating the cost per customer helps put things into perspective. A four-page color newsletter may cost as little as $1.30 per customer per mailing depending on the specifications of the print job. For a quarterly newsletter, that’s about $5.00 per customer per year. That’s a small price to pay for cultivating genuine and long-lasting business relationships.
Misconception #2: the design process is difficult.
Some people hesitate to send print newsletters because they don’t have professional graphics software or design experience. Microsoft Office and other common programs are a low-cost option, but you may not be able to customize the templates as much as you’d like. If design is not your thing, there’s no need to spend hours or days stressing over creating a newsletter. If you hire a professional graphic designer in Medford, OR, a small investment can yield a high-quality, fully-branded template to use again and again.
Misconception #3: creating content is hard.
The idea of creating content can be intimidating, but it’s not as difficult as you might assume. Instead of thinking of your newsletter as self-promotion, think of it as a way to communicate with and educate your customers. You should provide helpful, relevant information customers will care about and benefit from. Treat them like friends and let them know what your business is up to. You can talk about about new hires, products that help solve common problems, and other customers’ success stories. Be creative!
Misconception #4: measuring effectiveness is difficult.
Some businesses avoid print marketing because tracking is not as simple as with online marketing. But there are ways to measure the results of print marketing, even though they are not perfect. You won’t be able to track open rates, but you can track call volume, include a unique offering or call to action, or encourage customers to visit your website for more information. Alternatively, you can simply ask customers if they received the newsletter and if they read it and found it helpful.
Misconception #5: direct mail is a thing of the past.
Some businesses have abandoned direct mail as a marketing channel, but for others it is an important part of their marketing strategy. The increasing rarity of direct mail can help your business stand out, especially if your target audience is not tech-savvy: they may prefer to browse a print newsletter over a cup of coffee while sitting on their front porch. In some recent surveys, as many as 50% of respondents claimed to pay more attention to mail than email. With this in mind, you may find that print newsletters are a good way to stay in touch with your customers.
Print newsletters are worth considering
Misconceptions aside, you may still decide that a print newsletter is not right for your business, and that’s okay. But if your concerns have been been addressed, we hope you’ll consider using a print newsletter to stay in touch with existing customers. Stronger relationships with your customers will increase their loyalty, and more repeat customers will help your business grow.
Are you unsure if a print newsletter would be a good strategy for your business? Do you lack confidence in your existing strategies? Schedule a 30-minute consultation with one of our Medford OR marketing consultants and we can give you some guidance!